Are you ready to remove your career struggles, experience personal growth and reach your potential by empowering yourself?



Tell me if this sounds familiar:

  • You are an experienced communications professional and you are unsure of your next step.
  • Your career has had fabulous opportunities but you're unsure if you want to keep climbing the ladder, or rethink everything.
  • Perhaps you are trying to recover from a difficult period and get your career back on track.
  • You feel like you are capable of  more but the opportunities either don't come your way, or you aren't sure how to capitalise on them.
  • Or maybe you are just tired from being always 'on' and need to redraw your boundaries with work.

You have the power to change everything that you want to. Those changes accelerate when you engage in coaching.

How would it feel to:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the behaviours that drive you.
  • Strengthen your confidence and authority
  • Gain clarity on how you can progress your career and leave career plateaux and doubts behind you
  • Create powerful boundaries that preserve your energy and allow you to live your life on your terms


Introducing: Understand, Empower & Accelerate


Understand, Empower & Accelerate is a high touch, 1:1 coaching experience designed to help you reinvigorate the way you think about yourself, and your career, so that you can live life with a healthy relationship with work and fulfill your potential.

You will walk away knowing the exact steps to take to progress your leadership career, grow your reputation and show up with confidence.

We’ll spend time understanding what it is that limiting you, and then we will co-create the career and life you want to have.


Apply for Understand, Empower & Accelerate


During Understand, Empower & Accelerate we will:

  • Prioritise the space you need to help you get a fresh perspective on where you are, and how you got there, so that you can identify a clear progression forward and understand the steps you need to take
  • Develop new habits and practices that will enable you to take control of your own time, and feelings so that you aren't permanently on a rollercoaster someone else is driving
  • Empower you with tools and the self-knowledge to use them on repeat so you can create new habits with ease and cultivate a more comfortable emotional state for yourself.
  • Hold you accountable to make sure you make changes that stick.


What's included:

3 or 6 months of 1:1 support

Lifting you out of the day to day pace, helping you understand your behaviour patterns so you can move forward in your life and career and fulfill your potential.

90 minute initial inventory call

To go deep on the context of where you are now, and identify the core areas we will work on and where you would like to get to.

Weekly 60 minute Zoom calls

Together we will uncover those lightbulb moments where you suddenly see things in a new way and become empowered to move forward with renewed purpose.

Voxer support throughout

This is like having me on speed dial. It's a walkie talkie app and you can leave your thoughts between sessions for my feedback whenever you need it.

Full access to my coaching library

You can tap into my suite of assets and trainings whenever you like. It's all there for you and there are sessions on everything from perfectionism to imposter syndrome and more.

Here's the thing...


No one is coming to save you. Work is not going to get less busy. If you do nothing the things you find difficult now will always be there.

The biggest thing you can do for yourself is get curious.

Go deep into what is going on with you. The change you want is just around the corner if you make it your business to get there.

I know, I changed how I feel about my life, and what I do with my life, because I decided it was time to get curious.

I learned how to back myself instead of hoping other people would.

I'm Ready For This

Package & Pricing Information

You can choose from three or six months support.

Three months support:

£3500 for payment in full

£1250 x 3 for the monthly payment plan

Six months support:

£6300 for payment in full

£1100 x 6 for the monthly payment plan


You must have completed a 30 minute call with Gill to enrol.


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